The following 12 essays/papers are written by representative researchers on topics related to “Mathematics and Gender”, “Real World and Mathematics”, which are keywords of this research by KAKENHI.
The names are listed in Japanese alphabetical order and job names are as of March 2022.
The names are listed in Japanese alphabetical order and job names are as of March 2022.
Specially Appointed Professor, Tokyo University of Science
Professor, Kanazawa University
Professor Emeritus,Mie University
Graduate School Student of Doctoral Course, University of Tsukuba
Professor,Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University
Professor,University of Tsukuba
Professor Emeritus, Hokkaido University of Education
Associate Professor, Kanto Gakuin University
Teacher, Keio Shonan Fujisawa Junior & Senior High School
Professor Emeritus, Ochanomizu University
Associate Professor, Kagawa University
Senior Specialist for Curriculum, National Institute for Educational Policy Research and Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology